Open Section (Vol. 2, No. 1)

2023 PGF Conference “Spaces of Affect in the Americas”

The 33rd annual conference of the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA), took place at Leibniz Universität Hannover from November 9 to 11, 2023. This issue's Open Section features a conference report, two interviews (one conference organizers Katerina Steffan and Lujain Youssef and the other with keynote speaker Anne Potjans), as well as videos and scrapbook collages that collect impressions from the event.

2023 PGF Conference “Spaces of Affect in the Americas”

The 33rd annual conference of the Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA), took place at Leibniz Universität Hannover from November 9 to 11, 2023. This issue's Open Section features a conference report, two interviews (one conference organizers Katerina Steffan and Lujain Youssef and the other with keynote speaker Anne Potjans), as well as videos and scrapbook collages that collect impressions from the event.
