Call for Papers
In Progress is a peer-reviewed online journal based at the English Department of Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. It provides a space to publish excellent work written by graduate students in Anglophone literary, cultural and media studies, focusing in particular (but not exclusively) on the field of North American Studies. In Progress seeks outstanding academic writing that demonstrates excellence of graduate scholarship and strives to include a diversity of perspectives. We especially encourage submissions of revised term papers and chapters from BA and MA theses written by students who are currently enrolled in an MA-level program (or equivalent).
For the next issue (vol. 4, no. 1), In Progress invites contributions of up to 7,500 words (including abstract, footnotes, and list of works cited). Please include a short biographical note about yourself (of up to 150 words) in a separate file. All submissions should be written in English and adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines.
The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2025. Please send your contributions via email to
Submission Guidelines
Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 7,500 words (including abstract, footnotes, and list of works cited).
Submissions should include:
- a title
- an abstract (max. 250 words)
- up to five keywords that provide information about relevant research areas (e.g. ‘cultural studies,’ ‘popular culture,’ ‘postcolonial literature,’ etc.)
- the main body of the text
- a complete list of works cited
- a short biographical note about yourself (up to 150 words) in a separate file
Do not include title pages or outlines.
The manuscript, including the abstract and the list of works cited, must follow the MLA style sheet, 9th edition (parenthetical in-text quotations, works-cited system, etc.). Please consult for more information.
Please format your contribution in Arial, with double line spacing and in font size 11. Footnotes must be numbered automatically and linked to the text. Do not use footnotes for bibliographical reference and do not use endnotes.
Try to keep formatting to a minimum and ensure that the text does not contain hidden returns, breaks, tabs or spaces. Please hand in your article as a Word document (.docx).
Please make sure that your name or any other information that could identify you are not mentioned anywhere in the article document you submit. Biographical information about your person should be submitted as a separate Word document instead. In your biographical note, you might want to briefly state your university affiliation, degree of study, research interests, and any other information you want to share about yourself. The biographical note should not be longer than 150 words.
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere while being evaluated for this journal.
Contributors must be enrolled in an MA-level (or equivalent) program at the time of submission. Academic submissions by authors who have previously been published in In Progress will be excluded from consideration until three years after their last publication (i.e. we will not publish a second article by the same author within the peer-reviewed academic section within three years after the publication of the first article).
To submit your academic work or contact the journal, send us an e-mail: